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QR and BAR code reader with Raspberry Pi 3B

A webcam based QR and bar code reader with Python and OpenCV library for image processing.

A webcam based QR and bar code reader with Python and OpenCV library for image processing

To stop question paper leakage and to stop cheating on exam hall, we proposed education board a solution. The solution involves creating a huge question bank of Multiple-Choice Question (MCQ) and assigning different questions to different students. But that poses a problem: How can we check their answer sheets? No one's answer should match with anyone else. We solved this problem by printing a QR code on each of the students' answer sheet and question papers. To link these QR codes we made a device that can do the followings,

  1. Scan two QR codes (one from the answer sheet one from the question paper)

  2. Link these QR code for answer checking

  3. Send these over the internet;

  4. If internet is down, store that data for trying later.

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